My Month Of Distinction! Ps139:14

Ten lepers approach Jesus, they want to know Jesus, they want to be touched by the Lord, they have a problem and want healing.
They are supposed to keep away from the public, they have to be apart from the people, but they run the risk of coming to Jesus, they put distance between them but they have to meet the master who has their restoration in his hands.
They beg Jesus to forgive them and not let them down, they repent, they call for God’s mercy.
Jesus does not run away from them, he does not avoid them, he is not afraid of leprosy.
Jesus answers them and his answer is strange, no blessing, no touch, no word of healing but he sends them back to the priest.
Jesus, do priests have the power to heal?
The law of Moses instead says that the role of the priests is to confirm and establish the diagnosis.
They alone could declare a person pure or impure.
Jesus gives an instruction to the lepers, it is up to them to obey, it is up to them to submit to authority.
The Bible tells us that the lepers trusted in Jesus and set out to get a positive diagnosis, to testify to the goodness of God, to raise the name of God.
They had a gesture of faith and it was on the way that they were purified.
A scene will touch us in this text, of the ten lepers, only one returned to Jesus to give thanks and he was a Samaritan.
Israel and Samaria were at odds, they didn’t associate.
A Samaritan could not show up at the temple or he had to be banished.
But he put prejudices aside and took advantage of his restoration to reconcile the two nations.
Another thing to note in our passage, the Samaritan was not only healed, he was saved.
Healing is not everything, we must have the guarantee of our salvation, that is what is more important.
The word of God is a sending to reveal the mercy of God, to testify to the wonders of God, to glorify the name above all names.
1 Chronicles, 16:8 – Praise the LORD, call on his name! Make known among the peoples his great deeds!
Testify about the goodness of the Lord in your entourage.
This is the role that the Lord gives to each of us.
Let’s not keep God’s bounties to ourselves, let’s share them with brothers, edify our families, teach our neighbors, impact them with songs of joy.
May heaven rejoice as we serve God.
hello to us
Have a good day

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