My Month Of Intimacy With The Lord! He4:16

Blessed be your name Father!
You were always present
You are our strength
You are our comfort.
Even when we are overwhelmed by our problems, even when it is difficult to get up from our bed, it is you who supports us, it is you who puts in our hearts that it is still possible.
Thanks for your love !
Thank you for your loyalty!
We are going to your house once this morning to celebrate you, to recognize that you are our rampart and our fortress, be lifted Yaweh!
Lord, teach us to rely on you,
Help us not to forget that you are our help,
Everyone can disappoint us, our families are capable of betraying us, our spouses can deceive us and give us advice that imprisons us, but you Jesus, you are infallible, you are unshakable.
How not to adore you?
How not to honor the power of your hand.
Psalms 27:10 – For my father and my mother have forsaken me, but the Lord will take me in.
Bless the Lord for his faithful availability to you.
Our father and our mother are the important beings in our lives, they are the ones who protect us, who feeds us, who heals us, who educates us, they are our biological parents but the bible tells us that they can let us down , they can leave us alone.
We have a shepherd, a father, a protector who can never abandon us, he is always there to help us no matter our faults.
He loves us and he accepts us as we are.
Bless son name.
Praise him for his faithfulness.
He is not unique.
Thank you for everything Lord.
May the glory be yours alone.
hello to us
Good day

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