My Month Of Investment! Eccl11 :1

We bless God for our parents,
They are our models, they are our pride,
We are so honored to have anointed ones who teach us, who equip us and above all who cover us in the spiritual.
Many believe that pastors are crooks, that they are useless, that they are lazy but can we imagine the service they render to the nation?
Can we assess the spiritual discharges they have during fights?
Can we think of the price they pay for the church to stand?
We must help our leaders in their tasks, we must apply ourselves and invest ourselves so that the vision of the assembly is maintained.
It is not easy for our leaders to face persecution on a daily basis, they are the head of the church and if they do not experience stability they will be indolent.
The Bible tells us to *bring the tithes into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house.*
God’s work must not stop because the coffers are empty, it is up to us to be whole and not to allow our anointed to be invaded by stress.
Today, our mission is clear, let us pray for our pastors, entrust them to God, help them not to fall into the system of the world which wants things to be confused.
Father, may the shadow of your hand cover our leaders,
Teach us to obey and honor our heroes,
We have no more love for them, we have sprinkled your work with our contempt and our insolence.
Lord, fill them with your spirit,
Surround them with your strength,
Matthew 13:37 – He answered, He that sows the good seed is the Son of man;
Pray for your pastors.
Jesus sowed the good seed, the gospel of the kingdom, he announced to his people the good news of salvation.
So the pastors who do it today were commissioned by him, in his name.
Let us be good soil so that the seed of the word bears fruit in us.
We sow to reap later.
Jesus is the good seed, he sows himself, he is the owner of the field which is the world.
Each of us has a responsibility, accept it or reject it, receive the chaff or welcome the good seed.
So let us pray, the mission is great for our pastors.
Let us pray that the servants of God walk in the footsteps of the Lord.
hello to us
Have a good day

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