My Month Of Investment! Eccl11:1

We just want to say this morning that we need to stop being sympathizers in church, we need to rethink how we behave in the house of our God, we are not extras in our churches, we are here to fellowship , we are here to merge and serve.
Whenever we have a program at church, we make no effort to get things done right.
No involvement, no commitment, no energy to spend and we are still those who criticize.
How many times have we contributed to advance God’s work?
How many times have we organized or attended an evangelistic campaign?
Are we the ones who clean up the church or are we the ones who say they can’t stoop to that?
What is this talent that sleeps in us and that we refuse to put at the service of God?
Where did our first love go?
Where are those times when we were crazy for Jesus going miles to spread the word of God?
Where did this heart go that beat very hard when it was a question of accomplishing a service?
In the early church, it was the love of God and the love of others.
Everyone was invested so that the glory returned to the Lord, interests were not targeted, unity was present.
It reigns within this place forgiveness and reconciliation, the social rank had no value in this environment.
Beloveds, we have become cold, lax, lazy.
We no longer burn to run with the vision.
Know that we are at war against the world of darkness and if we are not firm, the fight may be more heated than expected.
Let us be zealous and not lazy.
*Zeal* is an ardor, an all-consuming motivation to do something.
It is a necessity for each of us to announce the gospel and without motivation, there will be no action, no plan.
We need zeal to advance in the glory of God and lift others.
Apostle Paul was a murderer, determined to exterminate Christians but when the Lord met him on the road to Damascus, he changed his vision.
And Paul now lived to serve the Lord, he was ready to die for the gospel, he overflowed with courage to make the word of God heard.
Jeremiah 48:10 – Cursed be he who negligently does the work of the LORD, cursed be he who keeps his sword away from slaughter!
Pray to be zealous in every business concerning the word of God.
Neglect is not taking care of something that should be taken care of or doing less of it.
Negligence in the work of God has evil consequences.
Let us become aware of the call of God to serve him, negligence calls for a curse.
Moab has sinned against the Lord and is doomed to destruction.
Jeremiah encourages the Chaldeans to exterminate this Moab nation.
The curse comes not only from our families but also from our inability to contribute for the glory of God.
Let’s be vigilant.
Let’s do the full gospel and the Lord will be proud of us.
hello to us
Have a good day

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