My Month Of Investment! Eccl11:1

One of the ways to thank God, to show our gratitude to the Lord is to share the fruit of our labor.
What have we received that was not given to us?
It is by caring for the needy that we obey the word of God.
Everyone who has a harvest should book a party.
At that time, everything depended on the will of the possessors, no measure was required, everyone acted according to a free conscience.
We must have a heart to give, that is what the Lord expects of us.
Boaz did not know Ruth but he commanded his reapers to pluck ears so that Ruth could gather them for food.
We must constantly be in a position to support our fellow human beings.
Leviticus, 19:9 – When you reap in your land, you will leave a corner of your field unharvested, and you will not gather what remains to be gleaned.
Leviticus, 19:10 – Neither shall you gather the grapes that remain in your vineyard, nor shall you gather the grains that fall from them. You will leave this to the poor and to the stranger. I am the Lord your God.
Share the fruits of your investment with the needy.
The corner of the field left to the poor gave them a certain freedom of action.
The text does not speak of begging but of the work of a reserved space where the assisted would not feel inferior.
Let us seek to help those who are in precariousness according to our resources and our capacities granted by God.
What corner of our life, of our field, of our heart are we going to give to those in need?
The decision is up to us.
hello to us
Have a good day

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