My Month Of Perseverance! Matt24:13

We cannot say enough that patience is a virtue.
It is learned, it is worked, it is maintained.
We saw many making their way yet God wanted to lead them according to his plan, we witnessed disappointing scenes because no one wanted to follow the process,
We did things that took us out of the Lord’s schedule because we couldn’t calm down.
We are going to talk about a man who did not know he could be king, he was looking for his father’s appendages when the Lord sent him to anoint him to become king.
Israel desperately wanted a king and the Lord appointed Saul.
In his royalty, Saul was an enterprising, valiant king but he had a complex, he was selfish and always felt inferior to his servant David.
What interests us this morning in Saul’s life is his impatience, a weakness that pushed him into perdition, desolation.
Let us be careful when we are in glory, it is not because we are seated on the throne that everything is permitted to us.
It is not because we are decision-makers and that the authority has been given to us that we will neglect the instruction.
Saul may rule Israel but he is not the authorized spiritual voice of this nation, he is Samuel.
Samuel receives instructions from the Lord and gives them to Saul.
Saul, you are the leader of the army but you cannot assert your power everywhere, it is about spiritual things.
Even if Samuel is dragging, even if he’s late, you have to wait for him.
The bible says trust in the prophets and we will succeed, we will prosper.
And this advice failed Saul, he believed himself to be all-powerful and all-permissible and he did an action that was not in his power, he made the sacrifice in Samuel’s place because he could no longer wait, he preferred to disobey and satisfy his people.
That’s what impatience can do, it disqualifies us, it brings us reproach and disgrace, it puts us in dishonour.
It is also in a surge of impatience that the anger inflamed Moses and closed the doors of the promised land to him.
Beware of what we do without flinching or without consulting God.
In any case, today we are all invited to Pray to have more patience.
James, 5:8 – You also, be patient, strengthen your hearts, because the coming of the Lord is near.
When we are tempted, let us be sure that our Lord is coming soon, let us be still, steadfast.
Patience means waiting for God even if it is difficult.
It is those who will remain firm, generous with a good and big heart who will see the sky.
Patience in a world dominated by stress, that’s perseverance.
hello to us
Have a good day

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