My Month Of Increase! Deut1:11

We are now in the middle of our month of growth.
We must all stop to intercede for our ministries.
We run too much after our coronations, so God had to pause for us to remember that we must also think of the altar that feeds us,
to the church which edifies us and where each of us draws its source.
Here comes that day, don’t we also want the anointing to overflow in our ministries?
Don’t we want our churches to savor another spiritual dimension?
Don’t we want the presence of God to be manifest around us?
Here is the day of the negotiation.
This choir which is chained by the quarrels?
These leaders and elders who seek only the first places instead of allowing themselves to be touched by the Lord.
Those members who refuse to get involved in service.
Beloveds, the ministry is you and me.
It is neither a place nor the four walls of a building.
So let’s follow today’s instructions.
Pray for RMI
Ephesians, 4:15 – but that, speaking the truth in charity, we believe in all respects in him who is the head, Christ.
We must keep the truth that we have by renouncing everything that does not glorify the Lord.
When a community shares truth in loving words and deeds, it fosters unity, growth, health, and love.
Pray that our ministry will reflect our works.
hello to us
Have a good day

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