My Month Of Increase! Deut1:11

Do we report to the shopkeeper when he gives us too much change?
Do we declare the taxes of our different companies normally?
Have we ever really given the limits of an item we sell?
Do we always tell the truth even when our interests are at stake?
We have heard that all businessmen are usually dishonest because they don’t do the right thing.
And if this is the case, the evil is deep because the leaders influence the collaborators.
They are the ones driving the movement.
We want to say this morning that only by becoming like little children can we be approved by God and enter the kingdom of heaven.
Children are naive, they rely on their parents, they have a pure heart and the truth is on their lips.
Proverbs, 4:24 – Remove falsehood from your mouth, Remove deceit from your lips.
Grow in honesty!
We must guard our mouths diligently.
Our words must be pure, they reflect who we really are.
Let’s be careful what comes out of our mouths, our words have power and they have the ability to destroy everything.
Let what comes out of our mouths be the truth.
Let’s learn to master our languages,
Do not give free rein to negative words,
May our lives be guided by the words of God concerning our destinies.
Let us remember each time that we are children of God and that the world must attest to the identity which bears the mark of the honesty that we are.
hello to us
Have a good day

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