My Month Of Increase! Deut1:11

Beloved, we certainly rejoiced when the Lord spoke to us about the increase this month,
When the Lord said he multiplies the work of our hands,
When the promise to expand our boundaries was precise.
We thought of many breakthroughs,
we even imagined with joy all that made us happy but we did not ask ourselves what we should do with our lives in return.
Our society is very much infiltrated by the enemy who keeps manipulating us.
We have been made to believe that we can do what we want when we want and we keep doing things that darken our destinies.
We have given ourselves over to all sorts of evils, we no longer know how to set ourselves apart to glorify the name of the Lord, we are unable to satisfy God first, our thirst for perverse things is destroying us.
The Bible tells us that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, so we must be careful not to give ourselves up to the world.
Yaweh wants to make an important reminder before closing the month, he wants each of us to take time to purify and repent.
God wants us to make a decision to leave anything that defiles us and dilutes His altar.
Let us know that our actions, our words must be sanctified.
We go to church on Sundays, we minister but our hands are so dirty, we are children of God who say they worship Him.
In any case, we have a step to take, we must be clean before the Lord,
we must flee from sin,
we must obey the rules of our Lord which do not always please us but which are established for our good.
1 Thessalonians, 4:3 – What God wants is your sanctification; it is that you abstain from fornication;
Pray for an increase in your sanctification.
There is what we want and what God wants.
Let’s keep our body in holiness and honesty.
Separate from everything that does not please the Lord, we must have a different behavior from that of others because we want to please God and we want to be in accordance with his word.
Joseph loved his God and didn’t want to do anything that wouldn’t give glory to his father, that’s why he didn’t give in to Madame Potiphar’s advances.
He preferred to pay the price and the Lord gave him a reward.
History tells us that his integrity and firmness opened the doors to royalty so that everything he touched prospered.
Lord, give us to forsake sin, and watch over our hearts.
We want sanctification to be our priority.
hello to us
Have a good day

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