My Month Of Perspicacity!2Tim2:7

No matter our challenges, Lord you are good.
Even if it is difficult, you are faithful.
Even if our faith stumbles, you are a genuine God.
Even if the world lets us down, you can’t let us down.
Even with an empty stomach, we will always worship and serve you.
Here is a new season in which you introduce us,
What have we done to deserve this love from you?
What did we say to be so honored?
Many wanted to have this breath of life that you give us,
Many wanted to have this opportunity to enter this atmosphere,
But they couldn’t, sickness bent them, accidents broke them, death stopped them.
Father, we want to give you all the recognition that you are due, we want to salute the grace that you have released into our lives, we want to celebrate who you are for us.
We are in a new month, the month of November, our eleventh month, the number that symbolizes disorganization.
The enemy makes his plans, he wants to impose his decrees, he has organized his agenda so that this period goes in all directions, so that his covenants are executed, so that his altars are watered, but let us know that the Lord also has his schedule, he has planned his plans, he recognizes that we will always have fights but he promises us victory.
The Lord loves us, his love is infallible, we are the apple of his eye.
Who can close a door he has opened?
He is the key, he is the door.
He is Jehovah El Elyon.
He controls everything, he sits on the throne in heaven and earth, it is his footstool.
In any case, Yaweh establishes the month of November, he gives it a name, he dedicates this season and submits the rules.
Beloved, do not worry, Papa has already ordered the month to bring us his best fruits.
And that’s why we have to be awake, our minds have to be focused.
Our discerning mind must be sharp to avoid the snares of the enemy.
God calls us to wisdom, clairvoyance, delicacy, skill, clear judgment and exceptional finesse.
*Welcome to our month of Insight*
2 Timothy, 2:7 – Understand what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in all things.
Paul gives us advice, Timothy too, and invites us to take his advice into account.
He is aware of what he ahead, he is certain of his words.
He makes a wish for us.
Let us learn to understand and interpret life in God’s way.
The Lord wants us to embrace his vision.
So bless the God who fills us with subtlety,
Let us lift up his Holy Name for the depth of spiritual things,
Let us glorify him who gives us lucidity in all things.
Bless the Lord who grants you insight throughout this month.
Proverbs, 2:6 – For the LORD gives wisdom; From his mouth come knowledge and understanding;
Let us recognize our limits before the Lord, we cannot do anything without the support of God.
This is the case of Solomon who had an ease of understanding and good judgment.
Solomon was endowed with a force of very informed decision.
And that is what we must claim this month, a discernment that only God provides.
Lord, teach us your ways and enable us to walk in the light of your word.
hello to us
Have a good day

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