My Month Of Sharing ! He13:16

Let us do good, we are the day after a feast, a celebration, a joy.
Let us gather those who do not have food and feed them.
Let us do something generous in this season.
Let us share our love with others,
Let us give attention to the needy,
Lend our ears to the weak.
When we do not lack, we must know that it is God’s grace.
When we can provide for ourselves, it is a blessing from our Lord.
That is why we must not be Nabal, we must not be selfish, we must know how to position ourselves as a source of blessing instead of taking pride in it.
David, returning from a battlefield, protected the inheritance of a rich man, he made sure that his sheep did not lose their lives so that the rich man could enjoy his property.
David only saw what was good, he chose to preserve an inheritance that could later help another.
It turns out that King David and his team are exhausted, they are hungry and they are not far from the rich man’s territory.
For King David, it is obvious that they will be welcomed with a shout of joy since they have just taken a victory action.
Against all odds, Nabal in his madness refuses to consider their gesture of help and does not want to give charity.
For Nabal, he is rich, he knows he has men under him who can accomplish this mission, so it is negligible.
Nabal is in no way influenced by the fact that he is informed that David is the next king of Israel.
David in his anger, wants to take justice into his own hands by killing this man but his wife Abigail, intervenes and finds a solution.
She negotiates reconciliation and eases the tension.
Beloved, let us not expect anything from others, let us do our part.
Luke, 6:33 – If you do good to those who do good to you, what good will it do you? Sinners also do the same.
Do good to those who cannot do the same to you.
The Lord did not save us because we were kind to him, he did not help us because we love him too much, he reached out to us because his love is overflowing, because his heart is pure and compassionate.
He came to our aid because we were unable to make the sacrifice, he showed us an example of peace and love beyond the accusations we made against him.
We are individualists, we are selfish, we are rebels.
Let us be like the Lord who reaches out without expectation and always open our hearts to sharing.
Good morning to all
Good day to you

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