My Month Of Prayers ! 1Pe4:7

Praying in the name of Jesus is a promise but it is also a requirement.
John, 14:13 – and whatever you ask in my name I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
Do your Prayers in the name of Jesus!
The name of Jesus is the only name that opens our heaven,
It is the only name that carries grace,
It is the only name that brings blessing.
Not saying the name of Jesus at the end of a prayer is like not having sealed it, like not being complete, and sometimes we even feel ashamed or uncomfortable when the name of Jesus is not said.
Saying the name of Jesus at the end of a prayer is our assurance,
it is our formula,
it is a tradition that we hold dear.
We have names, we bear names, some mean foolish, deceitful, or gracious but in these names the blind are not restored,
the paralytic is not healed,
lepers are not delivered.
Only one name is powerful, and that is the name of Jesus, who is the Lord.
Lord means master,
Jesus means Saviour,
Christ means the anointed one sent from God.
Many take authority in the name of the law,
Others in the name of the birthright,
Others again by their position or reputation or even influence.
Let Jesus sign our prayers,
Jesus’ name is hallowed, he paid the price for our freedom, he made the sacrifice so that we could be joint heirs with him.
In this name every knee bends and every tongue prostrates itself.
So what name dominates and influences our lives if not the name that has been given all power?
What name bears the stamp of victory if not Jesus?
What name overturns principalities and altars, the name of Jesus.
What name rolls away the stone or rolls away the reproach from us, it is always the name of Jesus.
So we are invited to stand up and give a thunderous acclamation to that name,
Yes, let all the glory be given to that name.
In the name of Jesus.
Good morning to all
Good day to you

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