My Month Of Prayers ! 1Pe4:7

This is the month of prayer.
That’s what God said.
Let’s get involved in all the programmes of the month,
Let us take an interest in all the issues that concern our assembly.
Let’s not be blinking Christians, let’s love the work of God.
Many of us do not attend our church meetings, but let us also know that together we are stronger.
When we come together to raise a matter before the throne of grace, it is answered.
Here is Peter who had been arrested for the Gospel.
Being in prison, his congregation rose up as one man to overthrow the snares of the enemy, the church all together began to intercede for the intervention of the Lord.
The church did not get discouraged, it knew that the solution is in prayer, it knew that if it invokes the Almighty, he will react.
So they did not stop praying to God.
The Bible says that on the eve of the day Herod was to bring him to trial, an angel came and broke the chains from Peter’s hand and gave him instructions for his release.
Peter himself thought he was having the visions but by the time the man of God realised it was real, the angel had already secured his life.
Beloved, prayer at meetings is a bomb that destroys and overturns the world of darkness.
Prayer is a powerful weapon for every child of God.
Prayer is effective, its results are quick.
Acts, 12:15 – They said to her, “You are mad. But she said it was so.
Take part in the prayer topics set forth on your congregation.
So fast was Peter’s release that it will stun the ears of those who hear his story.
Brethren, let us not be strangers in our ministries, let us run with the vision and above all let us take part in the prayer programmes in our various assemblies.
Good morning to all
Good day to you

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