My Month Of Peace ! Jn14:27

When we go through the word of God, we understand that peace dominates.
The Bible opens with peace in the Garden of Eden and closes with peace in eternity.
We are in a world full of violence, discord and battles, it is not always easy to be in a serene environment.
So we need peacemakers to balance things out.
The Bible tells us that the Lord is called Jehovah Shalom, the God of Peace, he is the one who initiates peace, he is the one who restores peace, he is the one who establishes it.
He is the peacemaker par excellence, he soothes, he calms all kinds of tensions.
As children of God, we must be imitators of Jesus who work for peace, but let us know that recompense is not always spontaneous, although the promise reaped is happiness.
Let us be peacemakers.
Being a peacemaker does not mean running away from conflict at all costs, it is inevitable.
Spending time together, not hiding who we really are, rubbing up against each other can cause disagreements, but let us know that when we come out of it, we have a real level of maturity and intimacy, we are unified.
The peace that the Lord speaks of is reconciliation and restoration with people around us, it is bringing people into a state of harmony, well being, reconnection.
This instruction concerns all of us, not just professionals.
Jesus exhorts us to peace and love.
Matthew, 5:9 – Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.
Pray to become a peacemaker.
Being a peacemaker is not a job, nor a position, nor a degree.
We must be peacemakers in our own lives before we can influence the lives of others.
The one who learns to become a peacemaker in this twisted world is the one who will be blessed.
It is a challenge.
It is not when things are going well that we are going to speak out for peace, but it is when things are going badly that we must show and demonstrate how we are dealing.
When we are peacemakers, people enjoy our company, we are a source of encouragement to troubled people.
In our presence, a quarrelsome person feels soothed, a wanderer finds direction.
To become a peacemaker is the grace of God, it is the nature of God’s children, it is an everyday life, it is a calling.
Let us just be positioned, let us be a source of peace and give what we have.
Good morning to all
Good day to you

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