My Month Of Joy! Ps30:11

When Jesus and his disciples came out of Jericho, a great crowd followed him.
And behold, two blind men sitting by the roadside heard Jesus passing by and cried out.
*The crowd rebuked them to make them stop.
The crowd rebuked them to keep them quiet, but they shouted louder and Jesus stopped.
Jesus asked them what they wanted him to do for them.
They told the Lord that they just wanted their sight back.
The Bible tells us that Jesus was moved with compassion, he touched their eyes and immediately they received their sight and followed him.
Jesus didn’t have an appointment with these blind people, he didn’t know them, he was just going about his business but as everything Jesus did always left an imprint, a blessing, a miracle that spread over the earth, that’s it.
So the blind were aware of the love of Jesus, they knew that the Lord could change their infirmity, they were just waiting for an opportunity to connect with salvation and that opportunity was there.
Beloved, Jesus is so sensitive to our pleas, He just wants to do us good, He wants us to be joyful always.
He is love, our Father!
Jesus is moved with compassion because he is sad to see his children in such servitude.
That is why we must practice charity, we must be like Jesus, we must reach out to those in need.
Love gives way to generosity, to charity, to joy.
This is what God expects of us.
The practice of charity.
Hebrews, 10:34 – For you had compassion on the prisoners and gladly accepted the removal of your possessions, knowing that you have better possessions that last forever.
Fast and pray to practice charity with great joy.
It touches God to see us caring for others.
A prisoner has no freedom, he may have sinned but it is not up to us to abandon him.
Let us go with our gifts to encourage them to change their lives and trust the Lord.
Let us accept to lose some of our possessions,
Let us accept to share with the needy,
Let us agree to participate in the welfare of others for the sake of eternal riches.
We know that in doing so, the name of Jesus is lifted up.
And we will also gather treasures in heaven.
Charity brings joy.
So let us obey and let the glory of God shine through.
Good morning to all
Good day to you

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