My Month Of Gifts! Ps37:4

Lord, we know that you are faithful,
Here we are at the end of the month of gifts,
a month in which you wanted us to showcase our talents,
A month in which grace was available for our manifestation.
For all that you do, Eternal One, we give you all the glory.
To end this period, it is important for you to underline a point that is very important but that we do not understand.
We have received the anointing,
We have ministries,
We have gifts and talents,
We have received something that is for us and in us.
All this is true, but it’s not for us, it’s for others, and if Jesus is glorified in this deposit, the rest doesn’t matter.
Our identity is not important,
Our value is meaningless,
Our quality doesn’t matter.
So if we have a capacity, let Jesus take its place,
Let the Lord recognise us.
When the flesh bothers us, we want to be distinguished,
When the man in us rises up, we panic and become agitated.
Here is our verse for today:
1 Corinthians, 4:7 – For who is it that distinguishes you? What have you that you have not received? And if you have received it, why do you boast as if you had not received it?
Appreciate and submit more to the Lord for all that you have.
What makes us different?
Our ministry?
Our anointing?
Our integrity?
But the Lord is okay with that but he wants to know what we did to get it?
Do we really deserve it?
Because in reality, we never take the time to tell the Lord who he really is.
We prefer to be seen and appreciated.
We act as if we are the centre of the world, yet we depend on Jesus.
Our grace flows from him,
Our strength comes from his source,
Our zeal comes from his seed.
We must learn humility.
We no longer know how to be humble.
We no longer know how to stand back, we no longer have any restraint with regard to the good we produce.
We have to realise that we are only channels.
We consider ourselves superior to others, we always think we can do better.
We are in no way better than others.
Today’s weak are tomorrow’s strong.
Let’s stop glorifying ourselves because nothing we have comes from us.
Let’s stop acting like fools and put Jesus at the centre of our actions.
And we shall see.
Good morning beloved
Good day to you

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