My Month Of Victory! 1Co15:57

We want to celebrate my lover,
We want to lift up his holy name,
We want to give him all the praise,
He is the one who protects us,
He is the one who fights for us,
He is the one who changes our lives.
When we are oppressed,
When we have no way out,
When all the doors are closed in front of us,
He comes to our rescue,
He transforms everything,
Everything becomes an opportunity.
We can only celebrate,
We can only dance in honour of the Lord.
He brought us out of the lions’ den,
He delivered us from the hands of the Philistines,
He gave us victory over Egypt.
After a trial,
After a difficulty,
After the sea has calmed, we must shout for joy.
We must acknowledge the power of the King of kings.
Exodus, 15:1 – Then Moses and the children of Israel sang this song to the Lord. They said, “I will sing to the LORD, for he has made his glory shine; he has thrown the horse and its rider into the sea.
Praise God who grants you victory.
Like Moses and the children of Israel, let us sing a new song to the Lord to express our gratitude for his deliverance.
Moses is a leader, he knows how to appreciate the Lord’s blessings, he recognises that the Lord has enabled him to carry out the mission entrusted to him.
Moses recognises that it was not his intelligence, nor his strength, nor his strategies that brought so many people out of Egypt, it was the power of God.
So Moses joins the people in praising and dancing for God.
Let’s not be like those people who don’t know how to give thanks to the Lord.
Let us celebrate the King of kings.
Good morning to you all
Good day to you

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