My Month Of Stability! Ps62:2

Matthew 25 tells us about the parable of the ten virgins who were invited to meet the bridegroom.
Five of them were wise and five were foolish.
The five wise girls had the reflex of taking extra oil, and the foolish ones made do with what they had in their lamps at the start.
And when the bridegroom was late in coming, the foolish girls ran out of oil and missed the appointment because they went back to look for it.
We want to ask ourselves one thing: are we wise or are we foolish?
Are we the kind of people who take our relationship seriously or are we careless?
Are we cautious or short-sighted?
Are we the kind of people who just want others to think we’re Christians, or are we the kind of people who want to stay awake?
Let’s not be reckless like the five fools,
we must always have oil in our lamps, at least have reserves.
This oil is the Holy Spirit of God within us.
It is he who keeps our lamp burning,
Let us not be overwhelmed by the distractions of this world that will rob us and prevent us from staying awake.
This is the time to hold fast to the word of God,
we must watch over our relationship with the Lord, he needs us to be always on our guard.
We need to renew our commitment to finish the race by his side,
Let’s not fall into the trap of routine,
Let’s keep our ears open for the Comforter.
If we are not on our guard, if we do not make a difference, how are we going to allow unbelievers to meet the Lord?
We have all been invited to meet the bridegroom, except that it is those who have been on their guard who have been received.
We still have an opportunity to meet the bridegroom,
let us be like the wise daughters,
have reservations,
let us be prudent, even if the bridegroom delays,
let us be alert.
Let us yearn unceasingly for God’s presence and let us always look to the Lord.
2 Peter, 3:17 – Therefore, beloved, you who have been warned, be on your guard, lest you be carried away by the rashness of the ungodly and fall from your steadfastness.
Pray to be on your guard.
We know the laws of the Lord,
we are not ignorant,
Let us beware of the world and its strategies, lest strangers lead us down the wrong paths, lest we find ourselves serving other gods.
Let us flee from everything that is likely to break our faith and our intimacy with God.
So let us put our trust in the Lord and trust that he will do great things for us.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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