My Month Of Possession! Job42:12

Even today, God has been gracious to us and we must pray for our country.
We tell ourselves that we are patriots,
we love our country, we support our nation.
You only have to watch a football match to understand the love we have for our land,
You have to see how the country stands up to wait for a competition, not because we necessarily understand what is at stake but because we want to support a brother, we are proud to see our country’s flag raised internationally,
we are happy to know that the world is watching us.
Just imagine if the people combined love and prayer.
Just imagine if the nation came together to intercede for a situation,
Imagine the strength and brutality with which we would break down our boundaries.
Imagine one…
If we can be one for things that don’t open the sky, just imagine if we were in harmony, if we were a nation,
a team,
a people,
one voice…
Just imagine…
It’s a shame that when people talk to us about prayer,
we get cold feet, sometimes even angry,
we think it’s a waste of time.
Prayer leads a country to rest,
Prayer restores breaches,
Prayer soothes conflicts and tensions,
Prayer gives us courage.
So, if we are children of God worthy of the name
let us stand up and pray for our nation.
It is our fault that our environment is in perdition,
it’s our fault that souls are wandering,
we are not at our posts,
we are distracted, we are insensitive,
we are scattered…
That’s why the enemies manage to infiltrate our heritage.
This morning, the Lord invites us to purify ourselves and to seek his face, without which we cannot flourish.
The straightforward instruction is: fast and pray for your country.
Psalm 33:12 – Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Blessed is the people he chooses for his inheritance.
Happiness dwells where God dwells.
Where God dwells, he makes that people the apple of his eye, because they know his voice, serve him and obey him.
The land is the flock of Yaweh’s pasture.
So let us make God our friend,
Let us make him our brother,
Let us make him our master.
And the testimony will be sure.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

Onde D.

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