My Month Of Prosperity! 3Jn1:2

Even today, we are faced with a truth.
The Lord talks to us about giving.
In general, before lifting a finger to give someone a smile, we first want to receive, but according to God, we must first give in order to receive.
We always think that we have nothing to give, but what we have in our hands is a seed.
To reap abundant riches, we must sow.
We want to receive blessings, breakthroughs, prosperity but we are not prepared to give and sacrifice.
When it comes to supporting God’s work, we are the first to calculate,
we are the first to find excuses not to contribute to the Lord’s work.
The Bible tells us that Solomon understood very well that to receive what we want, we must first pay the price.
He took the reigns of royalty as a young man.
He understood that his abilities were not sufficient to govern,
he was aware that if God did not intervene, he would never be up to the task.
So he remembered a principle that his father applied, and he offered the Lord a thousand holoscautes.
No one had ever dared to make this sacrifice to the Lord and God himself came down to ask King Solomon what he should give him.
The Lord found Solomon bold, courageous,
his attachment to the Lord gave him the character of God.
Luke, 6:38 – Give, and it will be given to you: a good measure will be poured into your bosom, pressed down, shaken together and overflowing; for you will be measured with the measure you have used.
Give as you would like to receive.
This verse is a teaching from Jesus in our relationships with others.
You have to give…
Don’t think about what you might receive in return.
Many of us expect to receive from the Lord.
How many prayers do we make to ask for things rather than using this time to praise the Lord and simply say thank you?
Very few…
When we give, when we show our devotion, do we know who we are ultimately serving?
To ourselves, because we are doing what is pleasing to God and he is giving it back to us; by sharing, we are fulfilling ourselves.
If we want a lot of money, let’s give a lot of money.
If we want lots of cars, let’s give lots of cars.
If we want blessings, let’s simply be a source of blessing to many.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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