My Month Of Prosperity! 3Jn1:2

*Give, give, give.
This is a principle of prosperity.
Let’s not dream of being rich if we don’t know how to support others, if we don’t know how to pray for others,
if we can’t sow the earth,
we won’t be able to savour the power of giving, it’s not possible.
It’s true that it’s getting harder and harder, the standard of living is pushing us to compromise, but let’s remember that whatever we’re going through, we must also be generous,
We must reach out to those in need, we must think of the widow, the orphan, the stranger…
The Bible tells us that one day, as Peter and John were going up to pray in church at the ninth hour.
At the entrance to the temple, there was a man who was lame from birth, who was taken there every day and asked for alms.
He couldn’t work,
he couldn’t do anything himself, so he was a beggar because he had to live.
He asked because he didn’t have any,
his family and friends had abandoned him.
People gave him their crumbs,
some took pity on him, but one day, God’s favour found him,
Peter and John stopped to pray for him.
They understood that this needy man didn’t need material things, he needed above all to be given the gospel, he needed to be given the word of God, he needed to be given spiritual food.
God’s servants had to share with him the power of God’s grace.
They told him that they know this poor man wants something to live on, but they don’t have any.
They have something that is above what the eyes see,
what our ears hear,
what we can think or imagine.
They have Jesus,
they have the key to his restoration,
they have his miracle and that’s what they’re going to give him.
Peter and John gave what is permanent,
that which is authentic, reliable, lasting, useful, constant, eternal.
So we are invited to remember that every day is a day of consecration,
of faithfulness,
of sanctification,
of praise,
of prayer…
Peter and John gave what they had, but what about us?
What do we give when we are faced with a sick person?
What do we give to people in complicated situations?
What contribution do we make when faced with trials that weaken our souls?
Let’s not stop giving, but let’s remember today that the first thing we must always be giving is the Gospel,
is Jesus,
it’s his word.
It is the anointing,
it is the miracle,
it is the blessing.
Without the word of God, giving is sterile,
it is vulgar, light, ordinary.
Let us give our Jesus to our families,
Let us give our Yaya to our country,
Let us give our lover to our homes.
Proverbs, 11:24 – There is a man who gives generously, and he becomes richer; and there is a man who saves, and he becomes poorer.
Give more!
No one has to force us to give.
We must give out of love, out of conviction…
There is always a reward when we share what we have with others.
But those who hoard cannot multiply, they are limited, they are poor.
Let’s do good around us,
give the truth wherever we go,
what is invested for the kingdom of God is never lost.
He who is generous will always be abundant.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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