My Month Of Prosperity! 3Jn1:2

One day Elisha was passing through Sunem. There was a distinguished woman there who urged him to eat. Every time he passed by, he went to her house to eat.
She was called a “woman of distinction” because she was rich,
she was called a woman of distinction because she had big cars,
nice houses,
big companies…
People envied her,
she was coveted,
everyone wanted to be in her shoes,
She looked happy.
She had everything you dream of having,
she had made a fortune in her town and was going from strength to strength.
But this woman was only enjoying physical prosperity.
She wasn’t complete, she wasn’t satisfied, she wasn’t thrilled with her position.
Although she was acclaimed
she needed another light.
It was because she was aware of her imperfection that she went to bother the prophet.
She knew that she needed to know the Lord,
she knew that if she carried on like that, she wouldn’t be able to make an impact on society.
So she went to the man of God,
she realised that Elysée was a true prophet and she came out of her prestige,
she disarmed herself of her opulence,
she laid aside her treasures and went to prostrate herself at the feet of Elysée.
Beloved, when we are tired of advancing with human blessings, when we are exhausted from having the honours of men, when we are disgusted with being acclaimed by the world, saturated and surrounded by everything but the presence of God, we can only have an unfinished taste.
This is why Sunem’s wife, although rich, had to attain divine royalty,
she had to humble herself so that Jesus could enter her home,
she had to have spiritual authority,
She was thirsty for spiritual cover and that’s why she built an upper room.
The upper room is the place of prayer,
it’s where you meet the Lord,
it’s the presence of God, it’s the fire that sets the space ablaze…
She just decided that from now on she only wanted the blessings that come from God.
She opened her doors to the fullness of God’s spirit.
And that’s our Lord’s instruction to all of us, to rely on the promises of the Lord, to rely on the blessings of the Lord.
Proverbs, 10:22 – It is the blessing of the Lord that enriches, And he does not follow it with sorrow.
Pray for only the blessings of the Lord.
It is what comes from God that gives happiness, it is what the Lord himself offers that endures and gives us satisfaction.
When God is not in our plans, we are constantly sad, absorbed and stressed.
So let’s ask ourselves this morning, what is the source of our blessing?
Are we ready to accept God’s blessing?
Let us be aware that if the prosperity we aspire to is based on the world,
we will always be bitter and frustrated.
We are therefore invited to rely only on the Lord.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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