My Month of Victory!1Co15:57

The Christian life is a race in which everyone must win a prize.
When we talk about racing, we are talking about athletes, athletes, those who are ready to compete, those who train for a competition, for a discipline, for a prize, a trophy, a crown, a medal.
No sport exists without rules and conditions to fulfill and we must be in good shape and be a permanent, we must be determined, have a lot of restraint and reserve to go further.
A Championship refers to a lot of energy, it’s for fans.
And that’s why the fans are there, they believe in their athletes, they are excited to see them fight to win the race, they are as proud as the athlete when the reward is given.
You must not run anyhow to avoid running out of steam, you have to be a strategist to win.
If we want to bring this back to our Christian life, we will understand that we are not only supporters but athletes, we participate in the race not like athletes of the world where the spirit of competition is encouraged but like all those who have a starting point, an end point and you have to fight to get there.
To give one’s life to God is a departure, the entrance to heaven is the arrival.
For that, we need courage, discipline, perseverance, rigor, stamina, dynamism and even staying with God.
We must certainly ask ourselves what is the relationship between all this.
To win a race entails a reward, to have the salvation of our soul entitles us to a heavenly reward, an eternal prize.
If the atlethes can accept all the regulations related to their discipline, eg to deprive themselves of so much, to be ready and to come out to decorate, it means that we too can do it for the glory of the one who has the whole victory, we can fight while respecting biblical principles so as not to be disqualified.
If Jesus finished the race and became Champion of Champions after going through all these rips how many times did we.
Even if we fall, even if we are injured, tired … do not give up.
We are more than conquerors in Jesus.
We are so close to the finish line so let’s stand firm.
Jesus is coming soon.
Philippians 3:14 – I run to the goal, to win the price of God’s heavenly calling in Jesus Christ.
God has kept for over comers.
May the Lord strengthens us.
Have a nice day

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