My Month of Strange Progress! Is52:13

We had a long weekend, everything was quiet, we rested, not really activities, not really work, we all paused to enjoy these moments.
We also know that when business does not turn, there is no entry, the economy is in standby.
This is what happened during these few days but this morning, everyone returns to their job, everyone goes about their business, everyone seeks solutions to their problems so we are all in the running, we seek to improve our conditions, we want better, it is not easy to make ends meet, it is not easy to achieve our objectives, the crisis slows everything down, it facilitates nothing on the contrary, it absorbs a lot of energy.
Nothing is obvious, help is not obvious, participate in a work is not obvious, give his contribution is not obvious, even sometimes with all the will we have, we are limited in our actions because we say and we think we do not have one.
God, this morning does not want to handle this detail, he refuses to enter this game that we Men love, he does not look at this blockage that we ourselves are making. He, the blessing to whom gold and silver belong to, he who does beyond what we think, imagine or ask to speak, he does not want to have our points of view, he does not aim at a special situation, he knows everything, he is the beginning and the end, he tells us that huh … it will not be so easy for us to listen and digest what he will say but he has already said, he says Give more than what is requested from you.
Judges, 5:25 – He asked for water, she gave milk, In the cup of honor she presented cream.
Give, give …
A word that we do not like to listen too much, to give is not easy but when the precision is pointed, it worries even, give more than what we are asked.
It is not already the strength of men to be broad, to be generous because we think too much of ourselves, of our appearance.
We have a story in the Bible, the widow and Elijah.
There was a time of drought in Israel, a widow and her son who had nothing but Elijah asked him to eat, after his obedience, she lived in plenty but to receive, she gave everything.
The Bible says that God so loved the world that he gave his only son, his precious, all that he had, he put on his all.
Is not this a proof of love? To love is to give.
We can also do this, we always wait for the Lord to give us, to make a gesture for us, to bless us, to solve our problems but we are unable to make a sacrifice for him, we refuse to provoke him, to attract his attention and to amaze him, we do not want to bring God’s gaze back to us favorably, we do not want to trigger the manifestation of the power of our Father.
To give is better than to receive, to place us in a privileged position, to lead the Lord do what he has not planned to do.
May we touch the Lord with our way of giving on this day? Can we act his favors with our actions?
Let’s do it
Let us give more than what we have decided to do and the Lord will treat our records himself.
Hello family
Have a good day

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