My Month of Humility! Phil2:3

By habit, we like to complain and sometimes for nothing.
We just do not have what we want, what to eat, or what to wear … to deny and see the benefits of the Lord in our lives.
Our difficult moments push us to devalue our experience. The fact that nothing goes is a defeat, an anomaly, a weakness, a defect, but God sometimes uses it to grow, advance or progress.
For us men, dissatisfaction alienates us, we forget quickly, we forget where God has taken us out, the way he has intervened in a situation in our lives.
Are we always grateful?
At least for our lives? For our health? For our families, for our homes?
Are we aware that we have value in the eyes of God?
Let us know from now on that when we doubt the Lord, worries become established, discouragement also so it is good for us to think unceasingly of the faithfulness of God.
The Bible says that Jesus is with us every day until the end of the world.
Do we realize that?
To have Jesus until the end of our lives, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, when the test comes, there will be no storm, no sweat, no effort.
So to revive the flame and set off again, the Lord asks us to make a list of your strong points and thank the Lord for them.
Ephesians 1: 3 – Blessed be God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all kinds of spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ!
We were endowed with gifts and talents to make feats and to distinguish ourselves, Jesus gave us the power to meet the challenges, to overcome the impossibilities, to walk on the high places … He forgave our sins, he gave us protect from the enemy’s plans, he precedes us in our actions …
A brake on our thanksgiving to the Lord is that we no longer know how to be content with what we have, we spend the time defending ourselves and claiming what we do not have.
We do not like our appearance, our build, our personality … we prefer those of others, we no longer know how to be patient, that’s all and now.
We must learn to say thank you by a word, a gesture, a gift …
Solomon acknowledged that the things that make us happy are a gift from God and can be a subject of recognition.
To say thank you, we must already know what we have received and we all have a miracle on, pure, alive, real and extraordinary: life.
This is a unique and precious reason to say to God that He is good.
Thanksgiving are qualities that disappear, we do not know how to appreciate what we have, we find it normal, obvious.
When all goes wrong, instead of being bitter, let us praise the Lord because he has done us good.
Lord, our hearts bless you for all these teachings and for what you have done and done for us.
Hello friends
Have a good day

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