My Month of Benficence! Act20:35

We are governed in our countries by presidents.
In some, they are kings in their kingdom.
In heaven also, Jesus Christ is the king who hats all the rulers of the earth, he is in his kingdom and is sovereign.
The others have been elected or have inherited an inheritance, but he has proclaimed himself king of kings, sits on his throne forever, no one will replace him, no one will succeed him, everything depends on him.
The others will die, the others will be dismissed or expelled but Jesus reigns forever and always does what is right.
Therefore, when our love is for the Lord, all that we ask, we will get it, it becomes easy to operate and move in the kingdom of heaven because the lack is not for us.
Unfortunately, we men, the search for our own interests has removed us from the plan of God, we want glory, honors, riches … we want to build our world and challenge God, we reject the principles of God for them vain things of the earth.
This is what happened in Babylon, this people wanted to create their kingdom to challenge God, he forgot that their kingdom will never equal that of heaven, he forgot that in their kingdom, the people will remain slaves when the heavenly palace reassures and distances us from the earthly handicaps.
We must know this morning that God has given us our freedom, he does not force us to follow him but he gives us his conditions to stay and stay in his path.
It is up to us to decide in which kingdom we want to stay.
He offers us this day to attach us to him, he offers us his home for free, he loves us and wishes that this love be reciprocal,
Love God is to love his kingdom, it is to accept who he is, it is to respect his editorial line.
In his word, it is written in Luke 12:34 – For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Ask the Lord to increase your love for his kingdom.
Our hearts are too attached to the material rather than spiritual things, our words are too much about the success of the world, our treasure is more ephemeral, light, fleeting and God warns us of that.
His word tells us to seek first the kingdom of heaven and ALL will be given to us above all.
It means that if God has first place, we will have the real treasure, there will be a reward for those who refuse egocentrism, God favors spiritual breakthroughsSwap to French
over all.
He shares his property with anyone who recognizes the greatness of his wealth.
When we love something, we are ready to accept many things out of love, we give up so much to make us accept to experience the hint of happiness that the world seems to offer us.
But we are not able to make the same sacrifice when it comes to God, we refuse to resign from our laws to covet the kingdom of heaven.
Let us beware of things that take us away from the kingdom of God and oppose divine laws.
To help us keep our love, our flame in God, it gives us a treasure of inestimable value.
So let us continue to do spiritual things with zeal and love and the treasure will be ours.
Hello family
Have a good day

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