My Month of Benficence!Act20:35

Lord, we are blessing you this morning,
We thank for everything, thank you for our lives, for all the opportunities that you give us to catch up with and perfect our intimacy with you.
We want to be grateful for those who have not yet been able to capture your frequency, who are wandering and do not always know how to do it, but only you will be able to guide them and convince them at all times.
We want to express our gratitude to you who welcomes us even when we spit on your goodness, even when we are fleeing our responsibilities.
In your patience and in your love, you always bring us home.
How not to cling to you Father?
Help us, learn to be sensitive to your principles.
And one of your principles in this season is clear and clear: * do good *
You insist on the needy that we ask ourselves if we are on the right track.
It is true that the needy is not the one with us always love having to do, we like to keep them at a distance, to mistreat them, we feel so much above them, we despise them each at his level.
We call them useless, lazy, incapable …
All that concerns them, however, is repugnant to us, not what you expect from us, yet we call ourselves Christians, yet we must do good deeds in your name.
We are sorry to have strayed from the spiritual laws, we beg your pardon, Lord.
We promise you to be more responsive, more participative, more available.
Give us a heart of flesh, learn us flexibility, give us to understand the needs of the needy to better serve them both spiritual and temporal and in doing so, our ability to provide assistance will be challenged to improve our services vis-à-vis others.
Anyway, the Father goes straight to the point in his command this morning, he tells us we are not getting tired of assisting the needy.
Deuteronomy 15:11 – There will always be needy in the land; Wherefore I give you this commandment, Thou shalt open thy hand to thy brother, to the poor, and to the needy in thy land.
It will never end, there will always be the needy whatever we do, better help them, do what we can to make them comfortable, bring them the gospel of peace and joy for those who receive it .
And that is the role of the church, the true gospel, to act according to the will of God, to keep us without task before the Lord and to strive to meet this challenge.
Let us be true disciples and do not neglect the values ​​God wants to inculcate.
Hello group
Have a good day

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