My Month of Fidelity!1Co4:2

If we do not know the rules of a competition, how can we hope to win the medal?
Everybody has to do a copy so that nobody knows about it or we will be disqualified even before the selection starts.
Tip: * every detail of the brochure received counts *
That’s why we need to know the guidelines in their depth to limit the risk of being out of play.
But in all sectors, we have a category of people who know more than experts and specialists, we have a category of people who rewrite and distort the laws given under the pretext that they know too much, that they have experience, that they are in the thing since, that they believed even before Jesus Christ, that they master the holy writings and that nothing escapes them.
And suddenly, it’s complicated because this category does not let God be moved in its authenticity, it is blocked by laws and human principles, it believes to know yet God is infinitely above what we think or imagine .
This portion thinks that when things are not done as it believes, it is not of God, it is already the compromise, it is witchcraft.
My brothers, it is not always how we want God to work, he does what he wants, he uses the mad to confuse the wise and it does not deny his authority.
We Christians know OUR, we are exactly like those Pharisees who make laws and think that Jesus can not crush him.
To solve this equation, God tells us that * he is the way, the truth and the life *, nothing makes sense without his approval, he proposes us just not to let ourselves be swallowed up by our own limitations but of to let us lead, to support us by the revelation of his word.
Let us first seek the kingdom of God and to do it, read our Bibles, get closer to God.
We want to preach or evangelize but we are empty, light, heavy, nonchalant, we do not reflect any testimony of the faithfulness of the Lord.
In any case, to taste the delights of the Lord, we must know him in his totality to be able to conjugate with him and not to slip.
Then he says in Psalms, 86:11 – Teach me your ways, O LORD! I will walk in your fidelity. Dispose my heart to the fear of your name.
God more.
To know better you must constantly be with him. The fidelity depend also to the way we appreciate and like someone.
Good morning to the group.
Have a nice day

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