My Month of Evidences!Mc9:23

God refuses laziness and prefers active men, valiant.
Those who put their talents and gifts into practice, those who know they will not have fun with the intelligence and wisdom that God gives them.
It is also what gives him joy, he is sure to know us as independent, ambitious, zealous …
The Lord wants us to plan, create, elaborate, he wants to see our results, our projects succeed positively.
To achieve this, we must not do things without foundation, market study, vision, projection, future, foundation …
It is important to be tidy, orderly, have plans, be constructive.
It is in this direction that the eternal brings us.
He tells us in Proverbs, 24:27 – Take care of your things outside, set up your field, and build your house.
Pray to be constructive.
* take care of your business outside * do our job well, do not hurt others, take care of others, reconcile ourselves with others, forgive us, agree with everyone, do well what we have to do.
* put your field in the state * that our hearts are clean, at peace with our neighbor, let behind us everything that restrains our enthusiasm.
And after we will build our house.
There are first steps to build a house, we must first be ready for such a project.
Let us also know that a house depends on its foundation, its foundation.
If we stop at the beauty, the decoration, the neighborhood, the walls, the money, the material, it will be deceptive, it will disappoint us, it will not resist the storm, it will collapse, it will not last and there, we will have failed while if we build on the rock, if our foundation is established on Jesus Christ, we will be more stable, more objective in the way we manage our life.
So, let us give back to God, he will move us forward.
Hello again
Have a good day

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