My Month of Evidences!Mc9:23

This village hello, a proverb taught us that * talking too much is sick * it’s a weakness.
When we do not know how to stop or say just what we need, we end up overflowing, we pronounce hurtful words in the end.
So watch what we say, it’s a warning from the eternal to us.
Our words have power, our words unveil us, our words identify us.
In Ephesians 4:29 – Let no evil word come out of your mouth, but, if need be, some good word, which may serve edification and communicate grace to those who hear it.
The verse confirms that God invites us to watch the words that come out of our mouths so that the devil can use them to destroy.
God has given us the wisdom and the intelligence to be able to feel when our words are in his likeness, that is to say good and constructive and when they are destructive.
From the moment we speak maliciously, we lack goodness, we bring nothing to our community, we only contribute to encourage the crack.
Before speaking, the Lord asks us to weigh our words, to ask ourselves if what we are going to say is true, edifying, constructive, necessary.
Our words have many consequences, both negative and positive.
We must question ourselves, we do not know how to keep quiet, we are always telling our lives and those of others, always commenting on what does not concern us, always giving us glory and attracting attention …
We must lose these habits.
God hates big mouths.
We do not like talking about us but we are the first to dissect the lives of others, criticize badly.
Jehovah, we need your help, we humble ourselves at your feet because we have hurt others, we have made bad judgments, we can not keep our mouths closed.
When we are angry, we speak without control, without reserve and in all that, we want to be right.
Lord, you are powerful, come to our aid, help us change and separate us from people who encourage us in this sin.
We want to be people who are loyal, honest and faithful.
We want to be those people of trust who know how to stay in their place and help others to move forward, to fulfill their destiny …
We want to tell you this morning, Father we accept the correction, we say yes to the reservation that you ask us on this day because it is for our good.
May the words of God be engraved in our hearts.

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