My Month of Spiritual Growth! 2Chronicles17:6

* The love of fraternal communion * is the expression that must seize our hearts this morning.
Jesus wants us to think about it, it is indispensable for the church.
Our Lord wants our churches to be like Him, to be more welcoming, vibrant, and more alive than to be filled with discontented people who spend their time criticizing and justifying their actions against others.
We have developed such indifference in the church, we are passing our occupations, our business, the things of the world before our God.
For us, the house of the Eternal has become a home of entertainment, passage, visit or we come to stop what we have to do instead of being grateful for the presence of God who blesses us.
The dwelling place of God is a place of tranquility, sharing and love where all fears must be dispelled.
We are always in a hurry to leave, we have no time to greet a beloved, we can no longer visit … We find the activities of the church boring.
We have forgotten or put aside what is called fraternal communion.
We will find ourselves on Sunday, sharing the Lord’s table, but fraternal communion is hard to settle and grow.
We are concerned about our lives, our programs, we refuse to spend time with the church, all spirit of solidarity, all attachment left us, we let the virtual give us the tone of our lives.
We all have a reason for going to church but know that if we are hoping for spiritual growth, we must become attached to God as a result of others.
The lack of fraternity dilutes the church because we are not united, we have scattered thoughts.
We are insensitive to each other and we say that we love Jesus.
For this reason, Yaweh brings us into Psalms, 113: 1 – Praise The LORD! O Lord’s servants, praise, praise the name of The LORD.
Pray for the love of brotherly fellowship.
* Rent, rent *
Cheer, boast, honor, magnify God.
It is advice and it is not given to one person but to many.
Enjoy the joy of being with Christ together. live intense moments, together.
Let us call on the name of Yahweh among his people.
Let’s develop a true friendship, support ourselves, support us, form one celestial army.
We have one father, one Lord, so we are in the same family.
Hello people of God
Have a good day

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