My Month of Gratitude! Job12:9

Hello to us, It is Sunday, Before going to worship, we want to exhort ourselves once more. We are Christians but do we really know the God we serve? Let us know that one of the characters of God is the misericode. Are we able to digest contempt or shocking words or offensive deeds in public without getting angry, without blaming the person, without wanting to avenge ourselves, without our ego, our pride getting up? Are we tolerant to the mistakes of others? Do we accept our differences without complaining? We can all respond as it suits us but as long as we are apart, as long as we have the delusions of grandeur, as long as we do not rub shoulders with others, it would be difficult for us to be honest. One thing is certain, no one is perfect, we all make mistakes that some people think are forgiven and others do not. We have given ourselves so much freedom as to want to justify everything. Did we wonder what would happen if God had acted like us? We betrayed him, we wounded him, we insulted him, accused him, condemned him, humiliated him, and killed him, but despite all that, he showed mercy to us, he forgave us. Mercy is above justice. Without it, our sins would not be erased, we would not be the children of the Lord. Let us show the love of God without being right or wrong. The lack of mercy breaks the fraternal communion, weakens the unity. Let us go and say yes to mercy, otherwise we will accumulate resentment, we will imprison. Our text of the day tells us: Psalms, 145: 8 – The LORD is merciful and compassionate, slow to anger and full of goodness. Bless the Lord for merciful! God says who he is. * Eternal * = neither beginning nor end * Merciful * = pardon, tolerance. * Compassionate * = to share the sufferings of others, to love. * Slow to anger * = he does not develop bitterness in his heart, anger is the fruit of the flesh. God continues to forgive us, to reach out to us, to help us out of our fears, to love us, to support us, to accept us but we refuse to leave sin. Because of his love, he does not abandon us, he supports us, he is patient. No effort is made on our part, we are in a world that nourishes anger, impatience, justifies revenge and tolerates injustice.
Anger is damaging and that is why God invites us to copy it, to learn forgiveness and to help those in need. It is not easy to control oneself but with the help of God, we will have a good answer on the principles of the world in order to follow the path that leads to the kingdom.
Have a nice day

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