My Month Of Probity ! Ro13:13

Lord, we want to ask your forgiveness.
Sorry because our hearts are so dirty, we have no love, no feelings, no patience.
We are the first to plot and slander our brethren, we are among those who criticize men of God and revelations.
We are far from those who want to submit to your laws and rules.
We are those who do not want to be chastened, corrected, exhorted by you, we always want to be seen, we always want the first place, we are constantly in search of honors, our flesh is always unsatisfied, the lusts and the desires of the world are full in us, we cannot tear ourselves away from vanity to look up to you.
Father, have mercy on us.
This morning God wants to bring us to a new page, he wants us to get rid of the bad cover that we are in.
We are chained in prisons, we are slaves to the world because we refuse to connect to the victory, to the power, to the strength, to the seed, to the fruit of the spirit that you are, Lord.
Lord, help …
We love the false so much, we love divisions, we are always the ones who organize the mockery and we say we are humble, we say we love others.
We are those who discourage others, it is we who disappoint our brothers.
Even in the church where we are in the presence of God, we praise others, we do not talk to each other, we do not greet each other, we do not support each other.
Humility characterizes the Christian who walks in the fear of God, Humility is the spiritual garment of the Christian, it is a feeling of dependence on God, it is to display before the Lord our weakness and our limit, it is a mark of distinction.
Humility is not words, it is not seduction or the way to dress, it is not to attract consideration, it is rather the spirit of God, love, it is It is to recognize one’s pride and to turn away from it, it is to repent, it is to change our thought systems to cling to the will of God.
Humility and submission go hand in hand.
They enable us to create unity and peace, we should not be proud and haughty, we should not think that our opinions are always better, do not be satisfied with ourselves, pride prevents us from to do transformative work in our lives.
The Bible invites us to encourage others to progress and grow.
Jesus went to the cross, he gave his life for us, he carried our curses.
Going to the cross was a humiliation, it was not a victory, it was a defeat according to human reasoning, but by his sacrifice, he erased our condemnations, he took everything so that we are free, he s ‘is lowered to reach the one who was smaller, weaker, more indecisive, less courageous.
Beyond our rejections, our betrayals, Jesus loves us. His love is free and pure.
The Lord wants to teach us this day that independence, individualism, superiority have no place in the body of Christ, we can have different thoughts but brotherly love, complementarity, support must be our sharing, we must have the same feelings towards each other.
We are sons, we must be mature.
Paul draws our attention to the same subject in Romans 12:16 – Feel the same about each other. Do not aspire to what is high, but let yourself be attracted by what is lowly. Do not be wise in your own eyes.
Pray for humility to reign in your heart every time.
If in our midst we have feelings of grandeur, airs of superiority, it is a form of pride.
This prevents us from understanding that we need our brothers, that we can take an interest in them.
Let us allow ourselves to be attracted by what is humble, if our hearts are proud, let us tear them before the Lord.
Paul gives us a teaching that is simple, authentic, understandable, accessible, let’s put it into practice.
Our nature inclines us to develop our ego from an early age and to reject humility.
The world pushes us to be more selfish, makes us look like the prettiest, the wisest, the richest, the most powerful.
This is a lie from the devil, let’s learn to look at others with love and respect otherwise we have not yet believed and are not worthy of the kingdom of God.
Hello community
Have a good day

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