My Month Of Restoration ! Ps23:3

When the Lord does us good, he expects us not to be closed, he wants us to be generous, compassionate.
The Lord does not bless us for ourselves alone, he wants others to be blessed through us as well.
So, let us be rays of the sun, sources of joy and good humor, let us be channels of blessing.
Let us look around us, we will certainly see a person who does not have what to eat, what to clothe, where to shelter … We can help him, we can share our love with those who are in need. .
The time has come to stop walking in selfishness and individualism, it prevents us from standing up and taking action.
Beloved, this is not a negotiation, it is an order, it is the will of God.
The Bible says that we have received graces upon graces from God, he has offered us eternal life, he has done everything to make our heritage available and accessible.
So we owe it to ourselves to do our part, not to stop or slow down the prossesus of the blessing.
We must understand that just as we are on the lookout for the blessing, we must take concrete actions so that our cup overflows, so that we are saturated with the blessing.
Jesus came to serve, it is he who washed the feet of his disciples, he gave up his crown, his prestige to save us, therefore, from grace, let us stop focusing everything on our little person.
Even praying for a brother is impossible for us, we refuse to invert ourselves, to sacrifice ourselves and we want the support of others.
This is not to say that we must be like Pharisees, hypocrites who make a gesture to be applauded, appreciated by men.
This is Ruth, Naomie’s beautiful daughter was a widow.
Ruth came from a cursed line where nothing prospered, where all was failure and pain.
But Ruth understood that she could not detach herself from the source that was her mother-in-law.
Beyond Naomie’s challenges, she had the ability to change things, she had a special anointing, she had a vision that could project her into her destiny, she remained attached, submissive, respectful, loving, obedient.
They were not from the same family but Ruth believed in Naomie’s strength, she trusted him, she connected with Naomie’s grace which breaks laws and family alliances.
She devoted herself to her mother-in-law and she impacted her.
Naomie made Ruth understand that she is a blessing, that in her lies a queen, a heroine, a woman of value and distinction.
And Ruth got hold of it and she became a grandmother of Jesus.
Ruth, 4:15 – This child will restore your soul, and be the support of your old age; for thy daughter-in-law, who loves you, gave birth to her, she who is better to you than seven sons.
Fast and pray for your offspring to become a source of blessings.
The child that Ruth gave birth to to console the heart of his grandmother, he will draw many to the Lord.
The story of Ruth edifies us and reminds us that God can use us to bless a third person, to do good to any person.
Ruth came to terms with Naomie’s life, she understood the system, the instructions of her surroundings and she won the favor of Boaz with whom she had a son who is part of the line of Jesus.
Naomie and Ruth encouraged each other, each from her experience to help the other.
Naomie with her love and old school good advice, Ruth her energy, her hope, her overflow of youthful life soothed Naomie.
Let us remember this morning, that God wants us to make the trip together, that we learn from each other.
The Lord has made it so that we are interdependent so that our blessing is a source where many can drink.
Hello group
Have a good day

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