My Month Of Blessings! 2Co9:8

Everyone can be blessed but …
Anyone can be celebrated but …
Anyone can jump and scream for joy but …
Anyone can say they are happy but …
There is blessing and there is blessing.
Not all blessings have the same strength or intensity.
Not all blessings have the same power.
There are some who are beautiful or normal,
Others who are tall,
Others who have dog, who are wow and who stun the ears that hear them.
It is not all about being blessed, but knowing how to keep the blessing standing.
That’s our whole problem, here’s where the Saul, the Jeroboams screwed up.
The Sunamite, a woman of distinction had the glory of the world, everyone said she was happy, she laughed the next day but she had a problem, her husband was old and she had no children.
To call her blessing, she told herself that she was going to do what no one had ever done before, not only did she have to invite the prophet into her house, she also had to feed and house him.
She said to herself that she could open her doors for the work of God, invite the Holy Spirit to stay in her house but above all to stabilize the presence of God by building an altar, an upper room, by establishing a spiritual authority. over his head.
She put herself at the service of God.
The Bible tells us that Elisha was not indifferent to this hospitality.
He was ready to see the king for this woman to have favors in the city, but she needed something else.
With a blessing, with a revealed word, she wanted the voice of God to shake her bowels, she wanted man to unleash the seed that bears the fruit, she wanted a son to be fulfilled.
Elisha makes a promise to her and releases a son into her womb, the thing happens but it happens that at one point, the Sunamite’s son dies, the blessing is gone, it is extinguished.
How is it possible that God’s blessing dies?
Is it really the Lord who offered us this benefit?
All the questions come up in our heads and frustrate us.
This story teaches us that we must learn to abide in the blessing, we must learn to keep our gifts warm, we must even be able to resurrect our blessing if it leaves us.
And that’s what this lady did, she refused to accept failure, reproach.
She was determined, she did not give up, she is distributed towards the one who had made her this package, she approached towards the authorized mouth which had spoken.
In short, she had not come to negotiate but to show her pain, her pain, her suffering with the Lord.
Beloved, this lady’s zeal, her discernment, her assurance, her faith forced the Lord to dwell on her case.
The Lord owed her a debt, he owed her a reward.
His altar, his offering, his sacrifice … ascended to the throne of glory.
Do we want to abide in our blessings for a long time?
Let us attach ourselves to the vine.
Leviticus, 25:21 – I will give you my blessing in the sixth year, and it will yield produce for three years.
Pray for you blessings to last long.
God brings us into our rest.
God promises to make our harvest abundant, he gives us provisions over long periods of time.
So let us bless the Lord who is love and who is faithful.
May his name be mightily exalted above all names.
Thank you Jesus.
Hello team
Have a good day

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