My Month Of Sharing ! He13:16

Perseverance is endurance, it is patience, it is holding on until the end, going to the end.
Perseverance works on our character, our personality.
It makes us complete and fulfilled Christians.
We are clearly in a time when everything is going in all directions, when evil is called good, when family values are overturned.
Even though society does everything it can to distract us in its theatre, we must hold the word of God strong.
Let us not be discouraged.
Let us persist, fight and stand firm.
Let nothing shake us, let us stand on the rock of our covenant with God.
Acts 2:42 – They persevered in the apostles’ teaching, in the fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers.
Persevere in teaching and practicing the trust!
Praying together is an important element in an assembly.
The Bible tells us that the early church gathered to learn the apostles’ doctrine, to break bread and to pray.
Praying together builds us up, encourages us, unites us in sharing the faith.
Beloved, let us return to God with a spirit of humility and truth.
And let us just open our hearts so that the Lord may place his peace in them.
Good morning to all
Good day to you

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